Find Someone’s LinkedIn Email using Data Set [Advanced OSINT]

Find Someone’s LinkedIn Email using Data Set [Advanced OSINT]
Find Someone’s LinkedIn Email using Data Set [Advanced OSINT]
Find Someone’s LinkedIn Email using Data Set [Advanced OSINT]
Find Someone’s LinkedIn Email using Data Set [Advanced OSINT]
Find Someone’s LinkedIn Email using Data Set [Advanced OSINT]

What is OSINT?

OSINT or open-source intelligence is basically using publicly available sources such as the internet or the newspaper to collect information about an individual or an organization.

Footprinting or Information gathering is a very important phase in any attack scenario in which the hacker gathers information about a target before launching the attack.

The information collected by a hacker could be used in many attack scenarios, such as social engineering or spear-phishing attacks.

What is a Data Set?

A data set is a chunk of data from an archive that is free and publicly available, but you cannot search for these data sets by using a search engine.


When you visit you can find most of the data within websites like Facebook or Twitter because Google has indexed these websites.

Normally, if we want to search for something on the internet, we use search engines. We type what we are looking for in the search engine bar and hit ENTER, and we’ll get results.

The results we get from Google are indexed, that’s why we get results. But what if we are looking for something that isn’t indexed by the search engine? In this case, even if we are searching for something that exists on the internet, we won’t get any results.

There is a huge collection of valuable data that are not indexed by any search engine; however, they contain extremely valuable data.

Now what we are going to do in this video is, identify the data set, download the data set, clean the data set, and lastly use the data set.



Search command: rg -a -F -i -N "Member ID" Filename.txt

Linkedin Dataset:

Saad Sarraj

I am a CyberSecurity and Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing passionate. I am also a TryHackMe Top 1% CTF Player.

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