Cracking a KeePass Database File using John

John the Ripper is a free, open-source password cracking tool that helps people find weak or easily guessable passwords or recover lost or forgotten passwords.

Send a PHISHING Email to the INBOX [Email Spoofing]

In this video, you are going to learn how hackers, spammers, and social engineers can send a fake email pretending to be anyone they want.

Downgrade HTTPS to HTTP | Man in the Middle Attack

One of the problems you’ll face when intercepting the traffic in your network is that some websites use HTTPS.

Hacking WiFi WPA2 Network with a Large Wordlist Without Wasting Storage

Hacking WiFi WPA2 Network with a Large Wordlist Without Wasting Storage

Hacking Over The Internet WAN [Port Forwarding Explained]

Port forwarding is a technique that is used to allow external devices access to computers services on private networks.

Search for Someone’s Leaked Passwords Online [OSINT]

OSINT or open-source intelligence is using publicly available sources such as the internet/newspaper to collect information about an individual or an organization.

Sniff Passwords on your Network using [ARP Poisoning]

Man in the Middle Attack is when the attacker is able to intercept the traffic between two authorized parties or systems. This allows the attacker to listen to the traffic and impersonate one of the authorized parties.

Hacking Wireless Mouse / Keyboard Remotely [MouseJack]

MouseJack vulnerability is, transmitting specially crafted-radio signals to a wireless mouse/keyboard USB dongle.