Find Someone’s Location using Aircraft OSINT

Find Someone’s Location using Aircraft OSINT
Find Someone’s Location using Aircraft OSINT
Find Someone’s Location using Aircraft OSINT
Find Someone’s Location using Aircraft OSINT
Find Someone’s Location using Aircraft OSINT

What is OSINT?

OSINT or open-source intelligence is basically using publicly available sources such as the internet or the newspaper to collect information about an individual or an organization.

Footprinting is a very important phase in any attacking scenario in which the hacker gathers information about a target before launching the attack.

The information collected by a hacker could be used in many attack scenarios, such as social engineering or spear-phishing attacks.

Basic Aircraft OSINT Terminologies

Call Sign The call sign is an identifier that an aircraft uses during a flight. This is the identifier that would be printed on your boarding pass if you were on that flight.

Registration Nr. The registration number is the license plate of the aircraft.

Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN) is a unique number that is assigned to each aircraft just like a MAC address that is unique to every network card.

Locate Someone’s Location using Aircraft OSINT Live [Practical]
In this video, you’ll learn how to use OSINT to locate a person by locating their aircraft’s location

What information can I get using Aircraft OSINT?

By using the call sign, registration number, or the MSN you can gather detailed information about the aircraft. Details such as:

  1. The flight current location
  2. Where the aircraft is traveling to
  3. Where the aircraft will land and at which time
  4. Pictures of the aircraft
  5. The owner of the aircraft
  6. historical records of the aircraft routes
  7. Many more detailed info like latitude/altitude etc…


Links to the websites are in CyberSudo’s OSINT Toolkit.

Get a Free Ethical Hacking Kit:

  1. CyberSudo’s OSINT Toolkit
  2. 25% OSINT Masterclass Discount
  3. Hacking Radio Frequency mini-course
  4. Hacking Wi-Fi on OSX mini-course

OSINT Playlist

Bellingcat’s Online Investigation Toolkit Bellingcat’s Online Investigation Toolkit

Saad Sarraj

I am a CyberSecurity and Ethical Hacking/Penetration Testing passionate. I am also a TryHackMe Top 1% CTF Player.

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